
Advanced Performance for Paints and Coatings

The advantages of using Vitrocote™ in paint & coatings are unmatched by any other additive on the market today. Vitrocote™ delivers significant optical and physical performance improvements.

  • Reduced process costs through improved dispersion
  • Reduced mottling and orange peel
  • Increased resistance to chipping, abrasion, marring, staining, solvents
  • Cleaner, richer flop, improved distinctness of image
  • Optical enhancement for liquid basecoats and clear topcoats

Vitrocote™ is processed from natural amorphous aluminosilicate glass mined from a 20 million year old deposit. It is an inert white material used to improve performance and lower costs with a wide range of automotive and industrial paint and coatings.

Vitrocote™ generates very unique properties even at low volumes (1% by weight), acts as a flow promoter, imparts material reinforcement, and promotes dispersion in high speed shearing and mixing equipment.
Vitrocote™ is 100% natural and non-toxic – very environmentally friendly.

Improved Powder Coatings

Significant production improvements for Powder Coatings can now be achieved with finishes that approach a “Class A” liquid automotive finish, up to as much as 50% higher abrasion resistance and optically enhanced to deliver true “3-D” effects.

Production costs are immediately reduced with the simple addition of Vitrocote™ in existing equipment – no additional capital expenditures are required.

Reduce formulation costs:

  • Increased dispersion allows a lower concentration of functional additives and pigments to achieve the desired effect

Reduce energy usage:

  •  Less energy per production unit

Reduce equipment maintenance costs:

  • Reduction or elimination of equipment teardown for cleaning

Increase productivity:

  • More production from the same equipment
  • Increased compounding and extrusion throughput
  • Faster color changeovers